Letters to the editor: This is precisely the time to build a library

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These types of opinion articles are not journalism and if I were the Editor in Chief, Heather Persson, I would seriously consider guiding the StarPhoenix back toward somewhat unbiased journalism. These “hit job” articles are a reflection of the paper and could lead to the demise of the paper itself as readership looks elsewhere for their “news.”

Kjell Johnston

New library needed now more than ever

Growing up in Saskatoon, the public library was one of the most important places for my family for many reasons.

Now some Saskatoon mayoralty candidates say that, given the economic downturn, this is not the time to build a new library. On the contrary. This is precisely the time to build a library. The need for knowledge and research is greater than ever, as is the need for literature to calm the mind and soul. With the continued decline of the education system, begun in the 1950s, libraries may be our best hope for a good liberal arts education. As a retired teacher, I know of what I speak.

Author Ray Bradbury believed that after a major disaster for a city or society, the critical buildings to replace first are the hospitals and the library.

In 2013, the Toronto Reading Festivals chose Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 as the book for the city to read. Perhaps it is time for the people of Saskatoon, and Saskatchewan, to read the same book, especially those aspiring to positions of political power.

Meg Shatilla
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